Monday, November 20, 2017

Trump and North Korea

     Monday president Trump made the decision to put North Korea back on the list of sponsors of terrorism. This will add to the list of sanctions against North Korean and will put even more pressure on Kim's regime. I believe this is a good idea on Trumps part because something must be done about Kim Jong-un's sporadic behavior. This article is a good read because it talks about and states valid reasons for Trump's decision. So far none of the previous sanctions have been enough to stop the nuclear testing done by North Korea. Something more must be done to cripple the country of North Korea and being back on the list will do just that. 


      I agree with you Mackenzie, marijuana would be a big contribution to lowering the national debt. We may not know as much about marijuana as we do about other "drugs" but we do know that it is a lot safer than smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol in excess. Cigarettes kill people every single day in America. I also believe that marijuana being available for people with health problems will help out the prescription drug problem. I believe that the legalization is not being talked about like it should is because of the sociodemagraphics of our government. Most of the people in our government have been told marijuana is bad as long as they have lived, and change will take time.

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Trump and the "Wall"

     Ever since Donald Trump decided to run for president he has always had the wall between Mexico and the United States in mind. In my opinion a wall will do no good and will just waste even more money that the government could use to help with the national debt. Another one of my reasons for opposing the wall is that I do not believe that it will make a difference. The Cubans had a big ocean between them and us and regardless they found a way to make it here. If Mexicans want to make it into America, they will find a way. On top of that you can literally climb over a wall, or walk through one of the doors. If a wall is built i could easily see corruption of the staff guarding it from one of the many cartels in Mexico I also do not believe that it is fair to not allow immigrants into the United States if they have a good reason to be here. However, I do not believe just anyone should be allowed to enter and live in the United States. There should still be some sort of application approving their access to America. A wall will simply make it a little harder to access the United States. A majority of immigrants do the jobs that most Americans do not want to do. Stopping immigration completely will make jobs for more American people however I believe that we will end up with jobs and nobody to do them. In conclusion I don’t think everyone for no reason should be able to come to the United States, but most immigrants come here to look for a job and better living conditions. I think it is wrong to deny human beings the opportunity to change their lives for the better.