Monday, October 23, 2017

Trump and "fake news"

In This is One of Trump's Most Dangerous Plays (Other than thePossibility of a Nuclear War, of Course) the author, TheDogFather, is talking to the people in America about Trumps obsession with fake news. He is trying to get his point across that Trumps isn't really worried about fake news, he's worried about people finding out the truth to his lies. The author states that the news Trump claims to be fake is coming from good honest sources like: CNN, New York Times, and Politico. In my opinion not, all the news is fake, however I do believe that if someone wanted to get a fake story out they would find a way. The author also is trying to educate and show Americans that Trump is dictator like. Trump wants the people In America to not know what is going on and do things behind our backs. Corruption in the United States is bad enough. Even with this is do believe that Donald Trump is trying to confuse the people in America. He wants to take all the attention off his lies and bad decisions. In the end we can only believe what has been put in front of us. So of course, we will never really know exactly what is happening in our government. We as Americans need to stay sharp and think logically about what we are being showed on TV and in the papers.  Although in don’t completely agree with the author I do believe his information can be trusted. Evidence does support that Trump has indeed lied on numerous occasions.

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